
100 Wins!
100 Wins!

100 Wins!

Parents Jon & Lisa Vacura and Grandparents Deb & Gary Vacura show their support and pride as Caleb reaches a career goal during Friday night’s triangular. Congratulations Caleb!

Area American Legion Auxiliary Members attend course on History and Legacy

Area American Legion Auxiliary Members attend course on History and Legacy

Mary Kuperus of New London, Department 2nd Vice/9th District Leadership Chairman, conducted an American Legion Auxiliary Senior Basic Course on their history and legacy. The course was hosted by American Legion Post and Unit 117 in Thief River Falls on February 20. Attendees were from Roseau, Thief River Falls, Karlstad, and Middle River. Local Middle River Auxiliary members Pat Hanson and Judy Scramstad attended the event.


The Middle River Honker

655 2nd St. North
Middle River, MN 56737-4136
(218) 222-3501