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Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is a close relative of onions and chives. It is a medicinal and culinary herb. Garlic forms bulbs that separate into many cloves. Each clove is covered with a white-purplish or pinkish, papery sheath.

"Ask a Trooper"
"Ask a Trooper"

"Ask a Trooper"

Minnesota’s hands-free cell phone law just had its second anniversary on Aug. 1, and it’s safe to say the novelty has worn off and people could be getting complacent. Drivers might be slipping back into old habits, risking their own lives and those of their fellow motorists.

Gardener’s Corner

Gardener’s Corner

If you see a weedy plant with small reddish stems and rubbery leaves, creeping along the bare ground in your garden. It is common purslane (Portulaca oleracea). Purslane has a worldwide distribution, but is largely considered an introduced weed in Minnesota. There is evidence common purslane was in North America and was used by its people before 1492. This is mostly based on old pollen and seed discoveries in Canada and the U.S.

Slices of Life

Slices of Life

I recently sold the house I’d lived in for more than 20 years. During that time my family and I had accumulated infinite memories and related “stuff.”


The Middle River Honker

655 2nd St. North
Middle River, MN 56737-4136
(218) 222-3501