
Gardener’s Corner

Gardener’s Corner

While insects are oftentimes considered pests, there are copious species of insects without which life on earth might not continue. Beneficial insects provide valuable services such as pollinating crops and eating insects that prey upon people and our property. While beneficial insects continue in nature, humans have introduced them into particular areas as biological pest control for more than a century. With environmental issues becoming more prominent and organic gardening growing in popularity, many gardeners are turning to beneficial insects as pest control.

Confessions of a potluck failure

Confessions of a potluck failure

The term “potluck” was coined over 500 years ago, putting a label on the concept of a communal meal where each guest brings a dish to share. The idea was that if everyone brought a little something, there’d be a little something for everyone. The practice caught on and has been flourishing in church basements ever since.

My Blonde Life

My Blonde Life

Tamara Dyrud Schierkolk is a 1988 graduate of Middle River High School. This small-town girl is now a city-dweller living in the Twin Cities. She writes for several publications, hoping to inspire others to love their neighbors well because life is just better that way.

Rural Reflections

Rural Reflections

In the movie “Wargames” a semi-famous line is uttered by a computer named Joshua. The line is “shall we play a game?” For those of you who do not know, the movie follows a scenario where a young man engages the computer in what he thinks is a game, however, it turns into a slide towards thermonuclear war. Remember, this is the eighties and war with the USSR was always on our minds. The young man must finally engage the computer in a game of tic-tac-toe so he can teach it the futility of nuclear war. Recently, I found out about another, much more hopeful, version of using games to learn important knowledge or skills.


The Middle River Honker

655 2nd St. North
Middle River, MN 56737-4136
(218) 222-3501