The great laptop crash and other daily foibles

The great laptop crash and other daily foibles

Dear readers -

Some days are not quite like any others. Yesterday was one of those days.

It started at 5:34 am – early, like all of my favorite days do (not). I awoke with the birds and had a happy thought:

It’s Tuesday. I have a deadline to send two columns to newspapers today and I wrote three columns last night. Yay, for me, the over-achiever! Working ahead. You can do it, Jill!

I yawned, rubbed my eyes and puttered downstairs to grab a cup of coffee and my laptop.

I wasn’t in its usual spot (the laptop, not the coffee).

Maybe I’d brought it upstairs before bed. I trudged up the steps, my legs still heavy with sleep. I scanned the bedroom, looking on the table where I typically set my computer.

No go. The table was empty. Maybe I wasn’t seeing things. I headed back downstairs.

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The Middle River Honker

655 2nd St. North
Middle River, MN 56737-4136
(218) 222-3501