Gardener’s Corner

Ideally our garden tools should be clean, sharp and hanging in their correct place in the shed or garage waiting for the upcoming gardening season. Realistically, many of us get overwhelmed with fall-cleanup chores in late autumn and don't have the time to get our tools into the proper shape before we put them away for the winter.

Now would be a great time to collect all those neglected garden tools and give them a good cleaning and sharpening so they will be ready to go when the growing season rolls around.

Your bypass pruners are a great place to start. Most quality hand pruners can be disassembled, so remove the lock nut and pull all the pieces apart. If there is a light build-up of dirt or other residue you should be able to get by with just washing each piece with an old toothbrush in warm, soapy water.

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The Middle River Honker

655 2nd St. North
Middle River, MN 56737-4136
(218) 222-3501