"Ask a Trooper"

"Ask a Trooper"

Question: Are you seeing increased speed more in the metro or Greater Minnesota? And are those increased speeds on the Highway or the city streets?

Answer: The Minnesota State Patrol is seeing increased speeds across the state. Whether you live in the metro or Greater Minnesota, excessive speeds are a cause for concern.

People tend to think of dangerous speeds on the highway, but traveling at a high rate of speed through a city can be just as tragic. Law enforcement statewide recently cited 759 drivers for going 20 mph or more above the limit in a 30 mph zone (Feb. 1-March 31). The highest speed clocked in a 30 mph zone was 83 mph by Minneapolis Park Police. Imagine if a ball got away from a child or a person was crossing the street. At those speeds, it could be tragic.

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The Middle River Honker

655 2nd St. North
Middle River, MN 56737-4136
(218) 222-3501