Ryan Hlucny Receives Northwestern Minnesota Manufacturers Association Scholarship

Ryan Hlucny Receives Northwestern Minnesota Manufacturers Association Scholarship

Each year the Northwestern Minnesota Manufacturers Association sponsors an essay contest for area seniors. The mission of the group is to support local manufacturing, and to also promote manufacturing as an exciting, fulfilling career opportunity for future generations. They believe manufacturing has such a strong presence in our area, and it truly is the backbone of our local communities. The Northwestern Minnesota Manufacturers Association is made up of members Polaris Industries, Roseau; Border State Bank, Roseau/Badger/ Greenbush, Baudette, International Falls; Wabinica Inc, Baudette; Karl Manufacturing Solutions, Roseau; Marvin Windows & Doors, Warroad; Security State Bank, Warroad; Central Boiler, Inc./Altoz, Greenbush. They challenged local seniors to share their insights on concerns and possible rectifications of the future of manufacturing in our local area. Ryan Hlucny was one of four $500 scholarship winners for his essay below.

Deterrents of the Manufacturing Industry

“What does the future of manufacturing in the United States look like? The future is streamlined, sleek, efficient, productive, and safe. However, the road from where we are today to the future may not be a straight and smooth highway. Manufacturing is an essential part of the nation’s economy and helps to promote technological advancements. Despite this vital importance, interest in industrial jobs has been decreasing. There are many negative stereotypes of the manufacturing industry which harm its employment prospects. The industrial culture of America has shifted from a focus on manufacturing to include many other industries. And lastly, the public-school system has done little to defuse the negative stereotypes about manufacturing and other industries.

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The Middle River Honker

655 2nd St. North
Middle River, MN 56737-4136
(218) 222-3501