
Rural Reflections

Rural Reflections

I’ve seen old movies where the application of perfume is described as a quick spritz into the air after which the wearer walks through this gentle cloud. I experienced something like this scenario just last week. The perfume was the smell of recently cut alfalfa. I was driving into work and saw evenly spaced rows of the scent-maker in the distance. I cracked the windows and let the memory-making stuff flow into my nose and mind. It was like I was somewhere else, but somewhere good.

Wrong ride, right attitude

Wrong ride, right attitude

“Life is a lousy spectator sport.” -John R. Powers When it comes to thrill-seeking, I’ve always embraced being one of the wimpiest of the wimpy. Why ride a roller coaster when you can watch all the fun from the sidelines? Rhetorical question, to be sure.


The Middle River Honker

655 2nd St. North
Middle River, MN 56737-4136
(218) 222-3501